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About South Florida’s On the Go Event Rentals

Family-owned and -operated, On the Go Event Rentals was launched to meet the growing need for luxury portable restroom stations in South Florida. Thanks to its beautiful weather, sandy beaches, and inviting tropical vibe, South Florida makes the ideal location for many outdoor events. Whether you’re planning to host a private party or wedding or a street festival open to the general public, our portable restroom stations will ensure your guests’ comfort and satisfaction during your next outdoor event. Our portable restroom stations come in all shapes and sizes to accommodate your unique event and venue requirements for your peace of mind.

Women in suimsuits enjoying some drinks

We Never Stop Improving and Expanding

On the Go Event Rentals never stops improving and continuing to expand our event rental services to serve you in the South Florida area better. Our goal is not only to provide the best possible products and services at a fair price but also to make your next special event memorable for many years to come. Since our opening, we’ve mastered our commitment to quality, exceptional services, and incomparable customer care to keep our community coming back again and again. As such, we enjoy many referrals and repeat business from satisfied customers.

Contact Us Today to Receive a Free Quote

Interested in discovering the difference offered by On the Go Event Rentals in time for your next event? Please contact us today for more information regarding our short- and long-term rental options for our portable restroom stations or to request a free quote. From Marco Island, Naples, and Palm Beach to Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and the Florida Keys, we’re conveniently located to serve the entire Southwest Coast of Florida with confidence, even at a moment’s notice. We’re always on the go for you!

Call Now for a Fast, Fair Quote!